Monday, September 20, 2010

the quasi-object

"Being or relating, that is the whole question."
"the quasi-object is not an object, but it is one nevertheless, since it is not a subject, since it is in the world; it is also a quasi-subject, since it marks or designates a subject who, without it, would not be a subject.
"the thread in his hands is our simple relation."
"This quasi-object, when being passed, makes the collective, if it stops, it makes the individual...The moving furet weaves the "we," the collective; if it stops, it marks the "I."
"Over there, on the ground, it is nothing; it is stupid; it has no meaning, no function, and no value. Ball isn't played alone."
"The ball is the subject of circulation; the players are only the stations and relays. The ball can be transformed into the witness of relays."
"The ball shuttles back and forth like the furet, weaving the collective, virtually putting to death each individual."
"This quasi-object that is a marker of the subject is an astonishing constructer of intersubjectivity...The "we" is made by the bursts and occultations of the "I." The "we" is made by passing the "I." And by substitution and vicariance of the "I."
"Words, bread, and wine are between us, beings or relations. We appear to exchange them between us though we are connected at the same table or with the same language."
"A symbol, but especially a symbol of the other. The symbolic is there; it is divided and is not divided. It is also a quasi-object. The quasi-object itself is a subject. The subject can be a quasi-object."
"Reciprocally: without referent, we are only blind men. We live only by relations."

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