Sunday, October 3, 2010

Collecting Materials & Supplies

Looking for materials (air/gases/liquids) that deflect easily to changes in air pressure.
Also looking at various liquids as to their various properties of:
-because water is 13.6 x lighter than mercury it will climb that much faster and further than mercury as a barometer. As a result, it will reflect a more architectural scale.
-tubes ranging through several floors, was well as at several different levels and altitudes.
-the material needs to have a greater density than water, but is less viscous, and if is to become a switch, or pot then it needs to be conductive.
-need to determine if as the pressure along the tube changes does the relative capacitance along the tube change?
-water conductivity - electrolyte solution - can conduct electricity
(ion = wanderer in Greek)
-table salt NaCl electrolyte
Liquids Denser that Water Temp t (C) Density p (kg/m3)
water 4 1000
sulphuric acid (95% onc.) 20 1839
mercury 25 13590
iodine 25 4927
chloride 25 1560
bromine 25 3120
-iodine would make a great choice as a pressure sensitive material except that it is not conductive.
-the conductivity of water increase as the NaCl ratio increases.
Salinity (density of salt in salt water) and conductivity. Liquid temperature 25 degrees C
NaCl density (w/v)% Conductivity (mS/cm)
0.1 2.0
0.5 9.2
1.0 17.6
1.5 25.6
2.0 33.0
The more Na+ and Cl- contained in water the more electricity is carried, and the higher the conductivity. Therefore if we know the conductivity of a sample of salt water, we can calculate just how salty the water is.

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