Thursday, November 12, 2009

Octaphonic Mixdown

University of Manitoba Architecture Students from Patrick Harrop's studio at the Black Box at Concordia University. The Black Box consists of eight speakers and a Motu for sound editing and manipulation. The only sound manipulation I did was in terms of the volume of the sound emitting from each speaker to give my compilation a sound spatialization.
My Octaphonic Mixdown Compilation consists of four of the previous eight edited recordings.
Using Ableton Live I composed my recordings in relation to the eight speakers. The speakers were set up in a circle around the room, so speaker 1 is at the 12 o'clock position and speaker 2 follows in a clockwise manner. The four recordings I selected were as follows:
Track 4 - Emitting out of all the speakers at the same time, giving a sense of being surrounded by the sound. This is the first track heard. It sets the mood and the tone for the compilation, forcing the listener to acclimatize to the subtleness of the recording.
Track 7 - Oscillates between speaker 7 and speaker 3 such that it seems that the sound is passing through the listener, back and forth.
Track 6 - Begins at speaker 6 and slowly increases in volume to reach a maximum peak in the middle of the room then starts to dissipate in volume out of speaker 2. So it seems to appear in corner of the room and then move diagonally across the room
Track 2 - This track remains at speaker 2 oscillating in volume but remains at speaker 2. The oscillation eventually coincides with the other tracks but then quickly becomes out of sync and gives a sound perspective to the composition.

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